6 Things to keep in mind for your senses
Sensing the senses
When all the blockages and chronic issues start coming back again. Make sure you are in touch with your senses. It means you are losing your relationships with your senses. Many don’t realize this…
There are many materialistic things that cut off your connection with the universe. There is a way to get back in touch with your senses again. To reverse the misalignment that’s happened to your chakras. Your chakras have just been disrupted, because of the environment that you’re in.
1. Reduce your phone and laptop screen
Start limiting the time. And if you are going through any hardship in your work try to complete your work at an early time when the sun is already there. Sun can help you recharge your body in the daytime. This happens especially when you’re working from home, or if you’re stuck in a room for a long time and avoiding nature or going outside.
2. Stay hydrated
This happens a lot with me. Occupied with tasks at certain times I often forget to drink water. Stay hydrated and avoid drinking water after meals or prior to meals. Solar plexus chakra loves the balance of fire and water.
3. Short Breaks
Short Breaks can destroy productivity for some but if you are stuck and not progressing anywhere start experimenting by taking a break. Some feel very active after taking a short break. Short breaks can keep your body moving and active. Energy should keep moving.
4. Avoid Screen after eating food
Don’t sit in front of the computer immediately after eating else it can make you feel bloated. The screen is taking your energy and if you are very sensitive to energy then you need to protect that energy to digest your foods first else everything will fall out of alignment. This should be your ritual.
5 . Avoid Processed Food
The chemicals in processed food are the number cause that impacts your chakra system. If you have to make your day productive you should strictly avoid processed food. Else that chemical will impact your third eye chakra (pineal gland).
6. Stay away from the anxious environment
Anxious people and fearful news headlines will do nothing good to your mind and body, Stay away from the crap. The fear impacts your sacral and solar chakra very much. Never allow any task or person to make you live in fear else walk out from there for your emotional health being.
You are only in charge of your body. Your day-to-day activities should become fuel for your body instead of making it stuck. Do everything with proper care and nourishment.
Thank You!
Do check out: https://rishabbatra.substack.com/p/sound-healing-do-wonder-for-chronic
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